List of Illustrations
Note on Orthography
Chapter 1. The Muridiyya in the Cities of Senegal
Chapter 2. Birth of a Diaspora: Murid Migrants in Côte d’Ivoire
Chapter 3. Gabon: “Backyard of Tuubaa”
Chapter 4. The Muridiyya in France
Chapter 5. Making Murid Space in Paris
Chapter 6. Unlikely Migration: Murids in New York City
Chapter 7. Making Room for the Muridiyya in New York City
Appendix 1. Excerpts from Journal Officiel de l’Afrique Occidentale Française authorizing the first licensed Murid dahira in Senegal, May 17, 1958
Appendix 2. List of officers of the federation of Murid dahiras of Dakar in 1963
Appendix 3. Caliph Faliilu Mbakke’s letter acknowledging reception of donations from the Murid dahira of
Dakar, November 23, 1966
Appendix 4. Caliph Abdul Ahad Mbakke’s letter acknowledging receipt of donations from the Murid dahira of Dakar, September 13, 1987
Appendix 5. Caliph Faliilu Mbakke’s letter to the governor of Côte d’Ivoire regarding the appointment of Sëriñ Ñas as his representative, April 14, 1968
Appendix 6. Proclamation by religious community leaders in Taverny, including the Murid Imam Mamadou N’Sangou, regarding the Algerian civil war and violence in the Middle East, October 16, 2000
Appendix 7. Shaykh Murtada Mbakke’s letter of recommendation to the Murid community in the United States
Appendix 8. Shaykh Murtada Mbakke’s letter appointing Balozi Muhammad leader of the Murid Islamic Community in America
Appendix 9. Proclamation of Ahmadu Bamba Day in New York City by David Dinkins, President of the Borough
of Manhattan
Appendix 10. Proclamation of Ahmadu Bamba Day in Chicago by Mayor Richard M. Daley
Appendix 11. Proclamation of Ahmadu Bamba Day in Washington, DC, by Mayor Adrian Fenty 233