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Polish and Polish-American Studies Series

Series Editor

John J. Bukowczyk
Wayne State University
[email protected]

M. B. B. Biskupski
Central Connecticut State University

Robert E. Blobaum
West Virginia University

Anthony Bukoski
University of Wisconsin-Superior

Bogdana Carpenter
University of Michigan

Mary Patrice Erdmans
Case Western University

Padraic Kenney
University of Kentucky

John J. Kulczycki
University of Illinois at Chicago 

Ewa Morawska
University of Essex

Antony Polonsky
Brandeis University

Brian Porter-Szûcs
University of Michigan

James S. Pula
Purdue University Northwest

Thaddeus C. Radzilowski
Piast Institute

Daniel Stone
University of Winnipeg

Adam Walaszek
Jagiellonian University

Theodore R. Weeks
Southern Illinois University

This series revisits the historical and contemporary experience of one of America’s largest ethnic groups and the history of a European homeland that has played an important role in twentieth century world affairs. The Polish and Polish-American Studies Series publishes innovative monographs and more general works that offer new, critical, revisionist, or comparative perspectives in the field. Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary in profile, the series recruits manuscripts on Polish immigration and ethnic communities and on their country of origin and its various peoples.

The Polish and Polish-American Studies Series is made possible by generous support from:

Central Connecticut State University
Frank and Mary Padzieski Endowed Professorship in Polish/Polish American/Eastern European Studies at the University of Michigan, Dearborn
Kosciuszko Foundation—the American Center of Polish Culture
Piast Institute
Polish American Historical Association
Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America
Stanislaus A. Blejwas Endowed Chair in Polish and Polish American Studies

Support is also provided by the following individuals:

Carole Bilina (Benefactor)
Thomas Duszak (Benefactor)
John J. Bukowczyk (Patron)
George Bobinski (Contributor)
Robert Holley (Contributor)
Alfred Bialobrzeski (Friend)
William Galush (Friend)
Col. John A. and Pauline A. Garstka (Friend)
Jonathan Huener (Friend)
Grażyna Kozaczka (Friend)
Neal Pease (Friend)
Mary Jane Urbanowicz (Friend)
Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek (Friend)

We welcome donations in support of the Polish and Polish-American Studies Series.