Series in Victorian Studies
Series Editors
Joseph McLaughlin
Ohio University
Elizabeth Carolyn Miller
University of California, Davis
Ohio University Press publishes current research in Victorian studies. We are interested in work that extends the boundaries of literary criticism and creates conversations across disciplines, including literature, theater, history, art history, religion, political economy, law, and urban studies.
Our books in Victorian studies foster research that considers how Victorians came to understand and represent their domestic lives, their local communities, and their place in an increasingly integrated, yet still strange world.
Search Results
Showing results 1-20 of 29
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Speculation and the Darwinian Method in British Romance Fiction, 1859-1914
Price: $80.00
ISBN: 9780821425961
Pub Date: 04/22/2025
Love among the Poets
The Victorian Poetics of Intimacy
Price: $80.00
ISBN: 9780821425442
Pub Date: 04/16/2024
Melodramatic Imperial Writing
From the Sepoy Rebellion to Cecil Rhodes
Price: $32.95
ISBN: 9780821426050
Pub Date: 09/12/2023
Culture and Money in the Nineteenth Century
Abstracting Economics
Price: $32.95
ISBN: 9780821426067
Pub Date: 09/12/2023
Textile Orientalisms
Cashmere and Paisley Shawls in British Literature and Culture
Price: $80.00
ISBN: 9780821425008
Pub Date: 03/07/2023
Religious Imaginaries
The Liturgical and Poetic Practices of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Christina Rossetti, and Adelaide Procter
Price: $34.95
ISBN: 9780821425237
Pub Date: 02/14/2023
Poetry, Pictures, and Popular Publishing
The Illustrated Gift Book and Victorian Visual Culture, 1855–1875
Price: $34.95
ISBN: 9780821425220
Pub Date: 02/14/2023
Charity and Condescension
Victorian Literature and the Dilemmas of Philanthropy
Price: $34.95
ISBN: 9780821425190
Pub Date: 02/14/2023
Indian Angles
English Verse in Colonial India from Jones to Tagore
Price: $34.95
ISBN: 9780821425213
Pub Date: 02/14/2023
The Moxon Tennyson
A Landmark in Victorian Illustration
Price: $80.00
ISBN: 9780821424261
Pub Date: 01/19/2021
Collaborative Dickens
Authorship and Victorian Christmas Periodicals
Price: $80.00
ISBN: 9780821423653
Pub Date: 06/11/2019
Transported to Botany Bay
Class, National Identity, and the Literary Figure of the Australian Convict
Price: $80.00
ISBN: 9780821423622
Pub Date: 04/30/2019
A Room of His Own
A Literary-Cultural Study of Victorian Clubland
Price: $34.95
ISBN: 9780821420942
Pub Date: 05/15/2014
Anglophone Poetry in Colonial India, 1780–1913
A Critical Anthology
Price: $36.95
ISBN: 9780821420782
Pub Date: 09/15/2013
The Plot Thickens
Illustrated Victorian Serial Fiction from Dickens to Du Maurier
Price: $85.00
ISBN: 9780821423349
Pub Date: 12/17/2018
Reading for Health
Medical Narratives and the Nineteenth-Century Novel
Price: $80.00
ISBN: 9780821422243
Pub Date: 03/15/2016

Speculation and the Darwinian Method in British Romance Fiction, 1859-1914
Price: $80.00
ISBN: 9780821425961
Pub Date: 04/22/2025
Love among the Poets
The Victorian Poetics of Intimacy
Price: $80.00
ISBN: 9780821425442
Pub Date: 04/16/2024
Melodramatic Imperial Writing
From the Sepoy Rebellion to Cecil Rhodes
Price: $32.95
ISBN: 9780821426050
Pub Date: 09/12/2023
Culture and Money in the Nineteenth Century
Abstracting Economics
Price: $32.95
ISBN: 9780821426067
Pub Date: 09/12/2023
Textile Orientalisms
Cashmere and Paisley Shawls in British Literature and Culture
Price: $80.00
ISBN: 9780821425008
Pub Date: 03/07/2023
Religious Imaginaries
The Liturgical and Poetic Practices of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Christina Rossetti, and Adelaide Procter
Price: $34.95
ISBN: 9780821425237
Pub Date: 02/14/2023
Poetry, Pictures, and Popular Publishing
The Illustrated Gift Book and Victorian Visual Culture, 1855–1875
Price: $34.95
ISBN: 9780821425220
Pub Date: 02/14/2023
Charity and Condescension
Victorian Literature and the Dilemmas of Philanthropy
Price: $34.95
ISBN: 9780821425190
Pub Date: 02/14/2023
Indian Angles
English Verse in Colonial India from Jones to Tagore
Price: $34.95
ISBN: 9780821425213
Pub Date: 02/14/2023
The Moxon Tennyson
A Landmark in Victorian Illustration
Price: $80.00
ISBN: 9780821424261
Pub Date: 01/19/2021
Collaborative Dickens
Authorship and Victorian Christmas Periodicals
Price: $80.00
ISBN: 9780821423653
Pub Date: 06/11/2019
Transported to Botany Bay
Class, National Identity, and the Literary Figure of the Australian Convict
Price: $80.00
ISBN: 9780821423622
Pub Date: 04/30/2019
A Room of His Own
A Literary-Cultural Study of Victorian Clubland
Price: $34.95
ISBN: 9780821420942
Pub Date: 05/15/2014
Anglophone Poetry in Colonial India, 1780–1913
A Critical Anthology
Price: $36.95
ISBN: 9780821420782
Pub Date: 09/15/2013
The Plot Thickens
Illustrated Victorian Serial Fiction from Dickens to Du Maurier
Price: $85.00
ISBN: 9780821423349
Pub Date: 12/17/2018
Reading for Health
Medical Narratives and the Nineteenth-Century Novel
Price: $80.00
ISBN: 9780821422243
Pub Date: 03/15/2016