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War and Society in North America

Series Editors

Ingo Trauschweizer
Ohio University

Jason W. Smith
Southern Connecticut State University

Editorial Advisory Board
Janet Bednarek
Lisa Brady
Nicole Etcheson
Joseph Fitzharris
John Hall
Amy Rutenberg
David Ulbrich
Kyle Zelner

This series provides a venue for scholars of war and society in the region now comprising the United States and Canada from the precolonial period to the present. The scope is broadly conceived to include:

  • military histories of conventional and unconventional conflicts on the North American continent
  • studies of peace movements and pacifist attitudes in North America
  • biographies of individuals and groups from North America who fought around the world and returned from those wars
  • examinations of institutional, political, diplomatic, religious, cultural, economic, or environmental factors that affected warfare on the North American continent
  • comparative analyses of military conflicts in North America

Outstanding monographs, surveys, anthologies, or edited primary source collections will be considered. Because this series originally focused on the Midwest, the coeditors will also continue to seek proposals on war and society in the upper Mississippi River valley, the Ohio River valley, and the Great Lakes region.